101a Rouselle Place, Ocean Springs, MS 39564


Ten Pragmatic Considerations in a Termination of Parental Rights Case

Having previously written about the basics of termination of parental rights in Mississippi, it seems apropos to elucidate on the more subtle realities of a termination of parental rights case in the Chancery Court setting.  Here are ten pragmatic considerations I think everyone should think about whether they intend to pursue terminating someone’s parental rights or their parental rights may be terminated.

  1. Effort matters

If you try, sincerely try to be an active part of your child’s life and to get your life in order, the court should not be able to terminate your rights. Even if you have faded out of the child’s life for quite a while, taking action to be a parent makes a huge difference. Similarly, if you are facing other issues (chronic unemployment, alcoholism, drug addiction, early life criminality), taking demonstrable steps to show that you are no longer that person matters a great deal. AA, NA, job pursuit, etc. could make or break the case. Truthfully, it does not take much to stop your rights from being terminated. Just try for real. No gimmicks. No half-measures. Try. The rest of us do it every day.

  1. Kids do not have to wait forever for their parents to step up.

Life moves fast and childhood moves even faster.  While a parent struggles with addiction, immaturity, criminality, or whatever it is that keeps them from being a good parent, the child continues to grow up. They move on and often a new adult steps into the parental role. At some point, it is too late. The law sets it at six months/a year, but the reality often takes much longer as the parent fades in and out of the child’s life. Yet, at some point, the kid has waited long enough and the non-custodial parent has for all intents and purposes forfeited their right to be a parent.

  1. Intentionally cutting a parent out of the kid’s life on purpose may prevent termination

On the other end of things, if the custodial parent cuts the other parent out unilaterally, blocking them from contacting the children at all, the parent’s whose rights are subject to termination can use that as a defense. You cannot desert a child who you are actively being prevented from seeing or contacting. However, effort still matters. Taking action to enforce your rights through the court system is the appropriate avenue to combat a parent who won’t let you see or talk to your child. Sitting around and waiting is not.

  1. Drug Addiction is often fatal to a person’s parental rights, even if you get sober.

One of the most difficult issues facing the Chancery Court centers on what to do about chronic drug addicts. Experience (daily experience) in the court shows how fragile sobriety is and the devastating consequence on children when a parent relapses. Combine this with the length of time the parent has abused drugs while their kid is raised by someone else, and the court may feel that it is not worth experimenting with the child to test your sobriety. That being said, continued drug addiction makes termination a much easier decision for the court.

  1. Waiting to terminate someone’s rights may end up preventing an adoption

On the other end of things, not taking action to terminate a parent’s rights gives that parent time to fix their lives. It makes sense not to poke a sleeping bear i.e. if the dangerous parent has simply disappeared from the child’s life, the custodial parent may think it is best to let sleeping dogs lie and just move on, particularly if the initial custody case or relationship was difficult, but people change and at some point they may not be morally unfit anymore and they may sincerely want to support the child, at which point the court may find that even if the grounds existed for a while it is no longer in the child’s best interest to have their parent’s rights terminated. As stated above, effort matters. Getting clean and sober, paying child support, and then suing to reinstate visitation from the get go creates a sort of prima facie case against desertion, moral unfitness, and abandonment.

  1. If your rights are on the line, you are entitled to an attorney

If you cannot afford an attorney, the court is obligated to appoint an attorney for you. That is how seriously the state takes termination of parental rights, you are afforded the same right to a free attorney as a person facing incarceration.

  1. You can voluntarily agree to have your rights terminated

The law allows for a parent to sign a form voluntarily terminating their rights. A person’s rights are not terminated until the court accepts the voluntary relinquishment of parental rights, but this is the simplest mechanism to have your rights terminated. Often when an absent or deeply troubled parent realizes that they have been displaced by a more active and loving step-parent and the child has adjusted to this new parent, sees them as their real parent, and that new person wants to adopt the child, the non-custodial parent may recognize that the adoption is in the best interest of the child and make the magnanimous decision to let the child move on with his or her life in peace, or they just want to stop paying child support.

  1. You cannot unilaterally terminate your own rights

This one should be obvious, but you cannot just waive your parental responsibilities because you do not want to be a parent to your child or to avoid child support. Public policy weighs heavily against such awful behavior. Some lawyers will sue to terminate their own client’s rights, but these suits are borderline bad faith in my opinion and require the other party to agree to the termination.

  1. The Guardian ad Litem holds a great deal of sway over the outcome of the lawsuit

The court will assign an independent attorney to conduct an investigation into the allegations and make recommendations as to what he or she believes to be in the child’s best interest. The Guardian ad Litem does not act as anyone’s attorney, but as more of an investigator for the court with the mandate to protect the minor child’s best interest. The GAL gets to go to peoples’ homes, review medical records, speak to witnesses, meet the children, interview the parents and pursue whatever they deem necessary to make a determination as to what is in the child’s best interest. Practically, this means that the Guardian ad Litem receives a much more nuanced view of the situation than the court will get in a day or two of trial. Work with the Guardian ad Litem to help him or her understand what is in the child’s best interest.

  1. The Best interest of the child rules all

Amongst all of these issues, one consideration looms large over everything else - the best interest of the child. Regardless of the amount of proof on the grounds for termination, if the court determines that cutting a parent completely out of the child’s life is not in the child’s best interest, the court does not have to terminate the parent’s rights, and, in fact, should not. If the court finds that the parent subject to termination has completely reformed him or herself, but the grounds for termination have been established and the court thinks it is in the child’s best interest for his or her parent’s rights to be terminated, then that remains the appropriate course of action.

These are just a few of the considerations and realities of termination of parental rights cases in the Chancery Court. Each case is different and it is important to speak with an attorney about your situation if you intend to sue someone to terminate their rights or if someone has sued you to terminate your rights.